Tuesday 26 May 2009

Cameron the Opportunist

Cameron really is the biggest jumper onto bandwagons of all time, and quite intent on making whatever he says sound deeply important - even when it's utter tosh, or nicked from someone else

Nothing new from him today at all, and like any Leader in Opposition saying things he will never deliver if he is ever elected...

Monday 18 May 2009

Cleaning the crooks out of the Commons - and Lords

The Labour NEC tomorrow has a real chance to finally take the initiative over this whole sorry affair. The NEC must resolve not just to take action or encourage the Police to take action against those who have made fraudulent claims, but must also agree to take firm action against MPs who may have claimed within the letter of their "Allowance" arrangements but know in their heart of hearts that they have stuck their hands in taxpayers pockets very thoroughly.

To regain trust, we need to be decisive and we need to be thorough - otherwise, even the MPs who have not abused the pockets of the people will taint those that have, and those of us who have worked our socks off for years for the Party. We need real Leadership from the NEC, and from Gordon and Harriet.